Over the last decade and a half, Navkkar Jewellers has grown consistently to established itself as one of the leading & most trusted Jewellery brands in Chandigarh and much of this success is attributed to the dynamic Leadership – initially by Lt. Col. K.C. Jain and now by his son, Mr. Vivek Jain. Be it the jewellery designs on offer or the systems running in the background, Navkkar has always invested in the best and the results are quite visible.
With this same approach, Mr. Vivek started exploring RFID a year and a half ago – primary goal being increase in efficiency of daily stock taking and overall improvement of stock visibility and. Irys emerged as the clear winner in the evaluation process and has lived up to the expectations of the entire staff at Navkkar.
Nikhil from Irys says, “It is a pleasure to work with quick decision makers like Vivek Ji. The very first time we spoke, Vivek Ji agreed to a Skype Demo, asked specific questions and immediately gave an in-principle approval. He had just one apprehension and quite understandably so – would the technology work in his live environment and live up to the promise shown in the demo. Unlike others, Vivek Ji had a simple solution – come to Chandigarh, tag a few of my products, show me the results and leave with a cheque – either for the system or for expenses incurred in travelling to Chandigarh! Presented with this one of a kind offer, we immediately took up his challenge and the rest is history! True to his words, Vivek Ji signed off on the cheque and the implementation was completed the very next day!”
Mr. Vivek says “We are extremely happy with our decision to adopt Irys’s RFID jewelry solution. It has been slightly over a year now since we started using the Irys system and we have been able to cut our daily time for stock-taking by up to 90%. Irys’s solution has also helped us achieve better visibility and prevent out-of-stock situations, thus improving merchandise availability and the shopper’s experience. Turning to RFID has greatly reduced errors in our business processes which required a lot of human intervention and saves us a lot of time. We look forward to nurture & grow this mutually satisfying relation between our companies.”